
Showing posts from December, 2010


Sepucuk surat dari Imam Mohamad Bashar Arafat Keindahan tercipta bila perbedaan kita hidupkan bersama-sama. Tak ada yang tahu sebenarnya, hanya tuhan dan diri sendiri yang tahu mana yang benar mana yang salah. Ada 2 sisi dari koin, tapi hanya 1 yang akan menghadap ke langit. Inilah perayaan Muslim, Baha'I, Atheist Christmas. Memang tidak ada satupun anggota host family saya pemeluk Christian ataupun Katolik. Hal ini menunjukkan budaya religi telah menjadi bagian dari tradisi setiap orang, meskipun bukan pemeluk religi tersebut. Hal ini serupa dengan di Indonesia, Idul Fitri telah menjadi bagian budaya Indonesia yang telah tercampur dengan berbagai macam tradisi, dan tak hanya muslimlah yang merayakannya, tetapi pemeluk agama lain juga ikut berpartisipasi di dalamnya.


It doesn't look like zoo. Because we went at night so we just saw the sparkling of Christmas lights. Yuuhu... Are you ready!!

Human Trafficking

It's sad but true   Here in this country, people are being bought, sold, and smuggled like modern day slaves. They are trapped in lives of misery often beaten, starved, and forced to work as prostitutes or to take grueling jobs as migrant, domestic, restaurant, or factory workers with little or no pay. FBI is working hard to stop human trafficking not only because of the personal and psychological toll it takes on society, but also because it facilitates the illegal movement of immigrants across borders and provides a ready source of income for organized crime groups and even terrorists.     
How if we get the situation when we are not able to speak , but our robot will explain all we want ?

Smart Mobs

These are the slides I've presented on last December 7th. Smart Mobs View more presentations from radhingga . Slide 1 : This book tells about what we actually have been doing in cyberspace when each is using technology in it. Always on panopticon or cooperation amplifier is not more than a question "where is our position now?" Slide 2 : Panopticon: Pan which means everywhere dan opticon means being seen, making ' panopticon '  means place where everything is being seen . Everything we are doing, others are able to see it. Slide 3: Technology is done to amplify cooperation and to intensify surveillance makes what we know and do can minimize dangers and maximize opportunities. Slide 4 :   A fter knowing what happened due to technology , this question has emerged as a key to discover what should we do about technology. Slide 5 : This book poses at least 3 kinds of potential threats: Threats to liberty Threats to quality of life Thr


Ribuan kilo jarak yang kau tempuh lewati rintangan untuk aku, anakmu Ibuku sayang masih terus berjalan walau tapak kaki penuh darah penuh nanah Seperti udara, kasih yang kau berikan Tak mampu ku membalas Ibu Ibu! Ibuk, At far away distance from you my eyes see, my ears hear and my heart still feel Your blood is still flowing in my body Your gusts of breath leave the beauty in my whole life I can not imagine how hard your sacrifices You take care of your children until they are able to walk In the snow today, I say from the deepest heart full of love SELAMAT HARI IBU Thank you for everything you've given I Love You and I Miss You

Winter Break

Hay teman! Libur telah tiba, libur telah tiba, hore! hore! hore! Hatiku gembira... Ini hari pertama Winter Break! Nice. Padahal menurut kabar yang ada hari ini adalah hari terpendek di USA selama tahun 2010 dan malam terlama/lebih dari 14 jam. Tetapi tak ada salahnya menghabiskanya dengan sedikit sentuhan baru ala pemuda Amerika alias hura-hura (dibaca bukan kura-kura). Bangun gak pagi-pagi amat, tiada ampun, sampai jam 11 siang masih molor sambil ngorok. Sehabis mandi dan gosok gigi, my friends came over to pick me up and we went bowling. Yees. Pertama kali bowling yang ada di kepala seberat apa ya bolanya, sebesar apa ya bolanya? Kenapa koq disebut 'bowling'? Is it related with bowl? Sempat kecewa ketika gak ada yang tahu tuk jawab pertanyaan konyolku. Tetapi beberapa hal yang aku dapat dari permainan ini, terdapat 3 lubang pada bola bowling yang besarnya relatif dan tergantung sebesar apa jari-jari kita, ada size 8-12. "Kalau aku mah, yang orang bilang jari sebesa

Stopping By Woods on A Snowy Evening

Whose woods these are I think I know. His house in the village, though He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.


Mata merah, muka pucat penuh jerawat, kurus kering, gara-gara kurang tidur malam. I guess, something what I thought is getting happened. Jadinya begadang dah, seperti malam ini. Baru saja pulang lihat play di Thomas Worthington High School Theater sama teman-teman. It was perfectly awesome. Cerita humornya dapet banget. Bener-bener gila, segila semua pemerannya. Emang ceritanya tentang keluarga gila yang tak sadar telah membunuh sebanyak 12 orang. Arsenic and Old Lace  benar-benar menarik setiap pengunjung yang datang untuk standing applause. foto bareng si artis-artis gila, semoga gilanya tak menular hihi(senyum lebar gigi ampe kelihatan), Lea, Molly, Gracie, Raden Mas Dhingga Sepertinya weekend kali ini bener-bener mengesankan, meskipun PR dah numpuk minta diselesaikan secepatnya. Belum ada waktu yang pas untuk ngerjakannya. Kemarin aja dah siap semangat tuk ngerjakan ada ajakan ngejam bareng. Bersama orang-orang tua yang mengesankan, gitar kumainkan ala Bruce Spingsteen ya

Wall Climbing

Pertama dengar WALL CLIMBING. Yang terbayangkan seperti apa ya rasanya. Nekat-nekat penting selamat, Bismillah, barangkat. Ini salah satu program dari sekolah, yaitu The Heroes Class dimana kita dituntut untuk menatap ke depan bukan hanya untuk diri kita sendiri, tetapi yang terpenting bagaimana kita bisa care dengan sekitar kita. Waaaah, latihannya dengan wall climbing. Yup inilah pengalaman pertamaku. Tali yang besarnya sejari kelingking yang panjangnya tak terhitung ( apa sih ini koq ribet amat) melingkari tubuhku. Huuuf, coba, gubrak. Well that’s not problems. Try again! Waach, tiba-tiba Andy Politz (guru The Heroes, dia pernah mendaki Mount Everest untuk menyelamatkan Mallory and rombongan) bilang,”Sebaiknya kamu nyoba yang sebelah sana”. Damn, ternyata ini termasuk The Hardest Rock Climbing Track. Ealah bocah ingusan yang baru datang, itu aja ogah-ogahan, disuguhi track terberat. What the heck!!! Meski tulang lengan kiriku patah 3 bulan lalu yang sering banget bergetar
Enggak bisa bubuk nich! Gak tahu kenapa, mungkin gara-gara akhir-akhir ini terlalu banyak begadang ngerjakan tugas-tugas sekolah yang semakin lama menggunung menjulang. Aku tengah asyik melamunkan sesuatu yang tak karuan di otakku, sambil menatap lampu-lampu kecil berwarna-warni yang seharusnya tuk menghias pohon natal pada perayaan di Host Familyku, dan karena keisenganku, aku taruh aja di dinding kamarku. And, amazing. They look like stars, which are lightening to start my dream in my nice sleep. Aku teringat beberapa hari lalu yaitu Dec, 7th, ketika aku presentasi di depan kelas. Yang malam sebelumnya juga tidak sempat tidur menyelesaikan powerpoint biar kelihatan perfect di pagi harinya. Dan setelah presentasi, salah satu teman dari kelompokku bilang,"Dude, good job, you're the best man!" "Oh no man, we are the best!". Dia tersenyum dan menjabat tanganku! Dan malam harinya enggak sempat tidur lagi, ngerjakan PDMath. Kemarin malam baru bisa tidur jam 9.0

International Education Week

Guys. Apa kabar? I just sent my short report about my activity for celebrating International Education Week to YES ACES office. I really hope that my report will be accepted as the most creative . Because it supposes to be a competition for it.  This is my report: RADHINGGA DWI SETIANA INDONESIA Friday, Saturday, Sunday, November 5th, 6th, 7th 2010             I did this service when the International Festival (A Global Celebration) was happening. It was held at the Veterans Memorial Hall, Columbus, Ohio, this event presented many cultures that exist in all parts of the world. It seized attention of the public. People who came mostly were from social communities such as Boy scouts, students who were doing the cultural research, as well as outside the  American people  who live here to work, school, even as an exchange student.             Service that I did is helping the Baha'i Faith community in the hat game. This game is called 'The World Citizen Game'. The hats are

Guess What?

Guys, KABAR GEMBIRA!! Okey aku cerita ya!! Bangun pagi-pagi bener, sekitar jam 3 an tuch. Niatnya sich mau belajar untuk persiapan test US HISTORY today. Tapi karena kepesimisan akan hasil yang gak mungkin baik diterima, and kengantukanku yang sangat menyengat mataku, akhirnya aku manjakan diriku tuk lanjutkan mimpi tadi malam. Guess what!! Aku bangun, jam tanganku nunjukin angka setengah 8! Wach! Aku cepet-cepet bergegas, gak sempat mandi (I realize that I'm having bad smell now!), buka pintu depan rumah dan AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaarrrrggggh!!! "What's up Dhingga? Why are you screaming?" I'm sorry mom dad I made you waking up! SNOOWWW!! Wach special banget, banyak orang yang bilang, beruntung banget. Ini pertanda baik kalau snow turun di Ohio di bulan Desember, karena biasanya di Ohio terjadi di Bulan Januari. Meskipun gak terlalu banyak and lebat , I'm really excited!! Dengan jalan kaki ke sekolah sambil kegirangan, kayak orgil kadang-kada

"Thank you": The Secret to Our Success!

When was the last time you said “thank you”? This simple phrase is very important. With very view words we can express our gratitude and respect for what others have done for us. Others need to know that we appreciate what they do for us and we are grateful. This is why it is important to say “thank you”. Saying “thank you” shows we understand what others are doing for us and they see we have a positive and appreciate outlook. Take advantage of the time we have now to show appreciation for the people who are making our exchange great. Our experience is unique for us, and cannot be duplicated by anyone else. Nobody will have the same experiences with our friends and other people ever! In addition to saying “thank you”, we can also show our appreciation by doing a favor, giving a small gift (such as a flower or a drawing) or using other words to express our gratitude (for example, “I feel very fortunate that you are my friend.”) We should say “thank you” when someone does something for u