
Showing posts from January, 2013

Campus Fair 2013, Tentukan Pilihanmu! Get Your Choice

Campus Fair 2013, Tentukan Pilihanmu! Get Your choice! Friends, brothers and sisters , and also all those who have got involved into Campus Fair 2013. I personally and as the name of committees THANK for the participation s you've contributed. I hope all we've done, we derive from, and contribute will give GOOD THINGS in this world and in the hereafter . It's a good thing to say that the event was well done, and hopefully next we can take chance to come back with something different , thanks for everything !


designed by Iif Now , CAMPUS FAIR 2013 is powered by Smariduta alumni association, Ikatan Alumni SMARIDUTA, which spread out in all universities in Indonesia . Seeing the problems of education in Tulungagung, we are ready to go back home and serve our home town . Nevertheless, ready is not enough, we organize an event that could change the people’s thoughts, to view the importance of higher education among Tulungagung citizens . CAMPUS FAIR 2013 will be held at Balai Rakyat, the North of Aloon Aloon Tulungagung in 2 days . The first is Saturday Festival on 26 January 2013 at 2 pm to 8 pm , and Sunday Festival on 27 January 2013 at 9 am to 5 pm . The t icket prices only IDR 2000?? , So what can you get?   Well, you can get more information about profile of universities in Indonesia, such as Universitas Lampung, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Padjajaran Bandung, Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Universitas Sebelas Mare

Musang FKPH 2013

Menjadi salah satu Presidium sidang pada Musyawarah Anggota Tahunan Forum Kajian dan Penelitian Hukum Fakultas Hukum Brawijaya 2013. Dari kiri: Radhingga, Rifky, Yati Teknisnya kami adalah sebagai pemimpin sidang yang menertibkan sidang, memberi keputusan melalui pengetukan palu sidang, serta mengatur segala jalannya sidang. Ya memang sebuah pembelajaran baru, melihat belum ada sama sekali pengalaman untuk mengikuti sidang seumur-umur. Jadi beberapa istilah interupsi seperti information, order, previlege, justification, atau clarification sering kali aku screwed up dalam menanggapinya. Tetapi apa salahnya sih untuk belajar, ya nggak? Makanya dengan dukungan melalui pengambilan suara dari forum yang terbilang wow untuk mempercayakan jabatan itu kepadaku, dengan semangat, penuh percaya diri, dan Bismillah,.. ya aku maju dengan jas almamter kebanggan Kampus Biru Universitas Brawijaya. Selama 2 hari kemarin banyak sekali hal yang baru, sebagai Presidum 2 yang beberapa kali mengga