
Showing posts from March, 2011
Setiap orang mempunyai keterbatasan. Tapi ia selalu berusaha untuk menutupinya, dan mencoba untuk menjadi sempurna. Dia lapar, dia makan, besok dia lapar lagi, dan begitulah seterusnya. Tetapi, keterbatasan itu berakhir ketika kematian menjemputnya. Semua menjadi sempurna, tak dihiraukan orang lain berkata apa,"Akulah yang terbaik. Apapun yang kukatakan, orang lain harus setuju." Dan setelah keberanian terwujud, dia berusaha, dan akhirnya dia berhasil. Dan dia merefleksi,"Sebenarnya saya bisa!" Aku yang dulu penakut, suka menangis, tetapi aku berhasil. Ku sekarang berada di tenda lagi, setelah berusaha menembus sengat dingin di sela suara ombak Samodra Pasifik luar sana
Kalau ditanya,"Kamu pengen pergi kemana kalau bepergian ke America?". Kebanyakan orang milih New York, Washington DC, ow Grand Canyon, Florida yang punya temperatur hangat, ow ya California. Jarang banget orang bilang,"Aku pengen pergi ke Ohio". Memang sich, inilah keadaannya, berbeda sekali. Jika dibandingkan California dan Ohio, Ohio bisa dikatakan relatif lebih diam, masyarakatnya fokus dengan apa yang dikerjakannya, dan di California, orang-orang cenderung lebih aktif, banyak banget orang jalan kaki, jogging, bersepeda. Tak salah jika California, khususnya San Fransisco punya pendapatan terbesar dari Vacation place. Masyarakat disini majemuk banget, tidak hanya orang-orang yang benar-benar menetap disini, tetapi didominasi oleh mahasiswa, dan pekerja either from this country or others. Dari sisi style orang-orang disini cenderung lebih colorful. Komunitas hippie beberapa waktu silam yang menentang adanya perang dan menuntut kedamaian, sangat mempengaruhi gaya
We changed our plan today. We heard that Yosemite is closed because of thunder storm last night. So today we went to the Point Reyes with Zarin. We saw light house there, but it was closed so we couldn't go enter inside. We were looking for white whales instead of this. We saw them 3 times came out of the sea showing their tail. Being in ocean made me felt closer to Indonesia. You know actually if I just crossed the Passific Ocean, I could have gotten Indonesia. Hhehe. For the first time to be on Bart (trains which cross under sea water). I could tell, I was afraid. Think if there was an earthquake, what could happen? Oh noo.. Yesterday we went to Jack London State Park in Sonoma City, North of Bay area. Jack London was a famous writer who had gone adventure around the world I saw wine country. Being there reminded me of Sendang. The weather, the farm area, field.
Adventure was started good. It was kind of dilemma though, when I bought my tent $200. Oh My God. Whose money could I use? Drop money from the sky please!! Research today: 33 Hybrid Car in less than 1 hour, walking, and bicycling people around here

California I'm coming

California where I expected to have warm weather and nice outside doesn't seem true today. I landed safely around 6.00 pm passific time. It has been raining a lot. $10 for today. I got like a fancy hotel bedroom. Haha, that's what he says. I don't care as long as I'm still alive, I'll try as hard work as I can. I can adjust where, when, and what ever I be. Except I can't be you, because it's me. I have a decision for my own. It's gonna be hard work to do. Save all stuff which could be saved, and do the best I can. Good Luck Man!!! Oh ya, I thing I'm gonna keep journaling on this blog, hehhe. I get free wifi. Woow. It's awesome...
Hey! Benar-benar ya kalau udah termakan tuch yang namanya sibuk, kerja, belajar, cari pengalaman, research, atau apalah yang butuh banget otak, otot, dan uang, bisa melupakan segalanya. Tapi kalau mikir seberapa besar usaha kita, seberat apapun itu, tak bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata kalau udah nemuin yang namanya sukses, worked out, well done, atau mantab!! Kayak kemarin, seminggu gak sempat tidur pulas, tuntutan otak banyak banget. Mata kayaknya udah betah melek terus, dimeremin dikit belek malah keluar. Artinya, kantuk dah gak mempan nembus kepalaku. Tapi aku puas buanget, setelah presentasi yang aku sajikan pagi ini berjalan apik. Standing Applause was given to me. Oh, thanks God Alhamdulillah.It was kind of a miracle Praise God Alhamdulillah It shouldn't work because I did in PC and it has unmatched file with what apple computer does I had tried several times before presenting. And it didn't work at all. I was wondered, I didnt have enough time to fin
I'm in library!! Oh my God!! The person who is sitting by me is watching porn site!! How bummer he is!! I'm so surprised....


Februari Bulan terpendek tapi terasa panjang sekali!! Segala hal berubah drastis meskipun hal itu unexpected. Feb 1st: After I dropped my Yoga class caused some reasons, and I take CRAPS (Creative Research and Problem Solving) instead of it. It’s so much better. At Yoga last time, I felt like under pressure and my left hand didn’t support me as well. At CRAPS class I feel more comfi. I was welcomed with smile from my friends and teacher. And my teacher said,” Hey guys if you want to get clear ideas, come to Masha or Dhingga!!” Eitz, why me? Ow I know, actually we need to be up to date and creative if we want to survive well in this class. What does it mean? That’s why this class is called CRAPS!! We are required to create something new. Be creative Kids!!! Feb 2nd: NO SCHOOL.. SNOW DAY... Feb 3rd: I went rock Climbing with Kendra. Sedikit dilema sich. Biasalah masalah anak muda. Biasanya orang-orang bilang ini tanggal muda and lagi tebel di kantong, tapi enggak bagi yang ada di