Greetings from Mt. Bromo!!
It was the most valuable time since I realized that I exist in this world to be wiser and survived with all things I have. Being with my family the whole time in new year's eve till the first dawn in 2014 and then joking on walk to the summit of Bromo the next day, was the great thing. It was bad though, we couldn't catch sunrise. The fog was so horrible. But we still knew that savana always sounded nice to be gathering and having fun. Probably I had done it for couple times, but this chance, enjoying with my family, I felt so.. oh man, I can't tell, but I was really happy.

And now, new year's resolution!!
Just kidding, I have none.
Because it's not like I really wanna change. I'll just go with the flow. And I wouldn't change my life for nothing. I have the most amazing friends and loving family. Those are who make me who I'm today, with the love and support I have.

Thanks everybody, you are amazing! I LOVE Y'ALL



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