It's Not That Silly At All

Hey guys! I was working on  the computer, and I found these videos..
Take a look guys.. :D

Hahahaaa... Did you recognize me, which one I was? Yeah I kept my hair long when those videos were taken. Kinda silly, that what people always said commenting my look, but I never take mind of it.. You might have done the same thing if you had been me.. because, you would find like $20 of hair cut, another reason, that would keep your head warm in winter.. So, it's not that silly at all, you can try..

Those are videos I made 2 years ago, as documenting videos which present activities I did in my exchange year. I don't ever get bored of watching them.. I really miss those events, and the people I accompanied with..

I shall return!!!!


  1. gembell dink.. hihihihi I wanna try that look but I'll get a burn on my head = warmer in Depok ?? :D

  2. dink ! you've made me envious all the time ! huhuhuhu.. barusan play videonya, hihi siapa yg ngajarin bule2 itu foto alay ? dirimu yee :D


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